No matter what kind of car you drive or where you plan on driving, you need auto insurance. It is essential both from a legal standpoint and for your own safety. Never get behind the wheel without coverage. When it comes down to the details, however, things can get complicated.
The two most common types of auto insurance are collision insurance and comprehensive insurance. They both cover damage that can happen to your vehicle in the Brockton, Randolph, and Stoughton areas, but the specific kind of damage they cover varies quite a bit. Learn more about the differences between each and discover which works best for you in our comprehensive vs. collision coverage comparison.
Collision Insurance
As the name might suggest, collision insurance covers any damage caused by collisions with other vehicles or objects. This can range from repairing the impacted area or replacing your covered vehicle altogether. This is always a great choice if you frequently drive through high traffic areas.
Specifically, collision insurance covers virtually anything you could collide with. If your car hits a pole or a tree, this would cover it. Obviously, this covers when you hit another car, but it also covers you if your car rolls over. It even offers protection if your car is damaged when you hit a pothole.
Comprehensive Insurance
When you opt for comprehensive insurance, you’re essentially covered for pretty much anything other than collisions. A wide variety of incidents would be covered, but you need comprehensive insurance if you want to be covered in the event you collide with an animal like a deer. Animal collisions aren’t covered under collision insurance.
Specific coverage would include protection from damage caused by inclement weather like hail. While collision insurance covers you if you hit a tree, comprehensive insurance is required if a tree hits you. All natural disasters and fires are covered by comprehensive insurance as well as and thefts or vandalization of your car.
Which is Right for You?
You may be wondering what kind of coverage you need when driving. There are a few things you need to consider when deciding which one is better for you or whether you need both.
First, consider the value of your car. It’s always going to cost more to repair a new car that’s worth more, so drivers with cars like that should consider getting both comprehensive and collision coverage. You should also consider the risk of an accident. How much time do you spend behind the wheel and how far do you go every day? Finally, think about whether or not you have the savings to deal with anything that isn’t covered.
Comprehensive vs Collision Coverage
After our comprehensive vs. collision coverage comparison, it’s clear to see that both of these have benefits that can keep you and your car protected from a wide variety of incidents. No matter what your coverage is, you’ll still need to get your car serviced after a collision, and there’s no better place in the Stoughton, Brockton, and Randolph areas than Collision 24.
Our highly trained service professionals have experience working with all kinds of makes and models, so you can count on quality service every time. Visit us in person or contact us online to schedule your service appointment today!