Many drivers enter into paying for car insurance without doing much shopping around. While the luck of the draw might be in your favor if you feel as though you’re paying a seemingly affordable rate, more importantly you want to be sure that the coverage you’re paying for will cover your needs when it comes time to use it.
Brockton, Randolph, and Stoughton area drivers wondering how to get the best car insurance rates can consult the following guide to help know what to look for and how to find the ideal plan to match your needs.
The Good Rate Balance
First of all, we want drivers to remember that good and cheap aren’t equal, which is often something that clouds our rearview mirrors of decision. While a good car insurance rate does, in part, come down to not feeling as though you’re paying through the roof for the protection you need, you should also feel confident that you’ll be able to pay for your deductible post-accident. Protecting your high-value investment is crucial, but it’s also crucial you don’t break the bank while doing so. Your mission: Find a rate you can afford that makes you feel secure financially and mentally.
Check Company Ratings
It’s kind of funny that doing online research for a new car has been so widely embraced while, for many, comparison shopping for insurance rates still feels taboo. When researching an insurance company that will offer you coverage for your needs at a competitive price, look for its A.M. Best Rating. Think of this along the same lines as a credit score for insurance companies. By measuring the financial stability of the company, an A.M. Best rating corresponds to the probability that particular insurer will pay your claim. You’ll definitely want to invest in a plan with a higher-scoring insurer.
Collect Multiple Quotes
It’s okay to go a little quote happy when you’re searching for a high-value car insurance rate, whether you’re collecting quotes from an agent who works exclusively with one insurer or one that sells for numerous companies. Obtaining quotes from between five and seven companies is a good way to be sure that you’re getting a good scope of rates for the coverage you need.
Evaluate Customer Service
You also want to choose an insurance provider that you feel comfortable interacting with that’s helpful, understanding, and looking out for your best interest. Check online reviews and customer complaint ratios (available on your state’s department of insurance website) to get a gauge of what other drivers are saying.
Ask About Available Discounts
Many car insurance companies provide premium discounts to drivers. From keeping a clean driving record to multi-vehicle bundling and many more, it’s a good idea to see what discounts you could qualify for and filter those into your decision as well. A higher-premium, higher-quality plan with available discounts will usually be worth the extra payments vs. a cheaper plan sans discounts that doesn’t provide the coverage you need.
The secret to getting the best rates on car insurance, like many big investments, comes down to doing your research and finding the plan and provider that are right for you. Whichever insurer you do choose, you can also rest assured knowing that Collision 24 will work with them to help you get back on the road sooner if you should ever be involved in an accident.