When your vehicle experiences a ding, dent, or scratch, the damage decreases its visual appeal. This turns into a stressful situation for you, because when your vehicle’s finish has been damaged, your vehicle’s resale value is reduced.
However, with Collision 24’s paint matching services in Brockton, MA, you don’t need to worry about any paint damage that occurs on your car. When you schedule an appointment with us, we take the time and care to make sure your car’s paint finish is restored to its original appearance before we return your vehicle to you.
But before you schedule an appointment for collision services in Brockton from Collision 24, read on to learn about our paint matching services and how they can benefit your damaged vehicle.
What Are Paint Matching Services?
When you need to have some extra coats of paint finish applied to your car in order to cover up a damaged area resulting from a scratch or dent, you want the same color so that the pre-existing damage is seemingly unnoticeable. Collision 24 can find the exact shade and hue of your car’s paint and apply it over your dent or scratch without any guesswork.
To do so, Collision 24 uses a machine called a spectrophotometer on your vehicle. This machine measures the amount of light and exact hue of your car’s paint finish. With this data, paint matching services then match it up with your vehicle’s VIN number to find the precise paint formula on your existing finish. Then, through computer measuring systems, Collision 24 can replicate your paint color and apply it to the damaged areas, thus covering up and scratches and leaving you with a matching finish.
What Are the Benefits of Paint Matching Services?
With Collision 24’s paint matching services, we can match virtually any color of finish that you have on your vehicle. Even if your paint finish is a custom color, our technology is ready to match it and apply it for a new, clean finish. Our new paints are also strong and durable in order to help protect your paint finish in case you experience more scratches or dents.
When you’re looking for collision service in Brockton, MA, look no further than Collision 24. Not only do we feature a staff of highly trained automotive technicians who can help tackle any vehicle issue, we also use modern technology to deliver beneficial results. With our state-of-the-part paint matching service, you can be sure that your vehicle will be returned to you with a fresh paint job that looks like it did before there was any damage.
If you’re looking for collision service in Brockton, MA, stop by Collision 24’s website and schedule your next paint matching service appointment online. Also be sure to continuously check our service specials page, where you can find great offers that help you save even more on your next service appointment.