5 Things You Shouldn’t Do After a Car Accident
Even if it isn’t your fault, you may find yourself involved in an accident. Adrenaline may be high afterward, and the temptation to panic may kick in if there are injuries. Even if the accident isn’t serious, you need to stay calm and avoid the following:
Getting Angry
If the accident isn’t your fault, you’re probably angry. But you need to remain calm and focus on getting help as quickly as possible. Losing your cool will only make the situation worse, so save your anger for later.
Leaving the Scene
If you’re in an accident, you need to stop your car, get out, and assess the situation. You should never leave the scene of an accident, even if your car isn’t damaged. Leaving can actually be seen as a sign of fault and may be illegal depending on the local traffic laws. Wait until emergency assistance arrives and the accident is properly documented.
Forget to Call Emergency Assistance
If the accident isn’t serious and nobody is hurt, you may be tempted to just move on without calling the police. The problem is, without a police report, there’s no way to establish who’s at fault for the accident. This could have detrimental effects on your driving record and insurance premiums.
Take the time to call your local emergency number (or 911) if your car doesn’t already have accident detection and automatic collision notification. The police will come and file a report that can be used when settling insurance claims or handling any other legalities from the accident.
Admit That You’re at Fault
Even if you feel you were at fault, avoid taking blame with the police, at the scene, or with the other people involved in the accident. Admission of guilt can be noted and used against you in insurance claims, lawsuits, and other types of legal action.
Be truthful when you’re asked about what happened, but try to avoid using phrases like “It was all my fault” or “I should have avoided that.” Doing so can come back to haunt you down the road and make a bad situation worse.
Forget to Document the Accident
The more information you have about what happened, the better off you are should you end up in court or an insurance dispute. Little details can make all the difference.
Draw diagrams of the location and where the cars are. Use your cell phone to take as many pictures as you can of both your car and any other cars involved in the accident. Write down the time of day, weather conditions, and the date. All of these details can be helpful later.
Contact Collision 24 for Roadside Assistance in Brockton
If you need help after an accident, contact Collision 24 for help.